Our community has been hit hard by severe flooding. We are now in recovery mode, and we want community members to know what we have in the schools as resources right now.
The Family Resource Center at the Lee County Elementary and the Youth Service Center at the Lee County Middle High School are available to provide needs of clothing, food, and school supplies. Call to speak to Paige Denniston (606-464-5004) at the elementary school or Jennifer Wilder (606-464-5023) at the middle high school. They also can help provide information for other resources throughout the community.
The Lee County Middle High School has been a drop off point for supplies such as water and food and clothing that has been donated for people in the community. If you are in need of any supplies, please call the school (606-464-5005) to set up a time to come and see what may be of use to you and pick it up.
We are looking at other ways to help the community, and if families and community members have ideas of needs they think we could meet please reach out to Superintendent Sarah Wasson at sarah.wasson@lee.kyschools.us.
Our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected, and we know we will get through this by working together.